The thigh lift procedure in Turkey is also known as cruroplasty, it is for women who suffer from a sagging skin and fat on the inner thighs. In this case, we speak of a skin ptosis associated with the natural aging process, repeated diets, pregnancy or one or more hereditary factors.Apart from the unsightly defect caused by sagging thighs, skin ptosis leads to irritation due to the friction of the thighs that causes a significant discomfort especially when the patient's thighs are too tight.The thigh lift is a very delicate aesthetic procedure. The Turkish plastic surgeon will discuss with the patient about her medical history, asks her to do several necessary tests and prescribes an anticoagulant treatment.
A preoperative consultation is required. During this consultation, the patient meets her plastic surgeon to speak about the details of the thigh lift procedure and to learn about the postoperative phases and the precautions to be taken during the entire recovery period. Another appointment will be arranged with the anaesthesiologist in a maximum of 48 hours.
Thigh lift : how is it performed ?
The thigh lift is performed under general anaesthesia. The hospitalization lasts one or two days depending on the importance of the cosmetic procedure, it lasts almost an hour but can take longer when the surgical procedures are a little complicated.
A liposuction is necessary at the beginning of the intervention so as to remove the excess fat which will be extracted using very fine cannulas not exceeding 4mm in diameter

Regarding the incisions made during a thigh lift, the characteristics of each incision varies according to the case of each patient (a moderate skin sagging or a very significant skin sagging). The choice depends on the decision taken by the patient after discussing with his Turkish plastic surgeon
The vertical incision
This technique is adapted when the patient's thighs suffer from an important skin sagging. In this case, the incision takes the shape of a T : it is made in the inner thigh area and extends from top to bottom
The horizontal incision
When the excess skin is less important, the surgeon just makes an incision at the top that starts at the level of the groove under the buttocks and extends to the groove in the groin. In this case, the scar is very discreet and will be well hidden between the two folds. (the fold under the buttocks and the groin fold).The Turkish plastic surgeon stretches the skin in two simultaneous directions : the upper and the inner thigh. The excess skin will then be removed. Deep sutures are made to suspend the skin and make it firm so that it does not sag again. At the end of the procedure, the Turkish plastic surgeon covers the treated area with a support panty or with several elastic bands.

The pains felt after a thigh lift Turkey are similar to aches. The patient will feel tired during the first week following the procedure. However, this is quite normal and it is due to the importance of the amount of fat that is removed. The surgeon prescribes classical painkillers to alleviate the pain.
As for any other type of surgery, swelling and bruising will occur during the first three weeks after the intervention.Regular care is necessary a few days after the thigh lift procedure in Turkey. The patient will have to shower regularly without forgetting to dry the operated areas with a hair dryer. This gesture is very important as it avoids the humidification of the incision and does not interfere with the healing process. It is highly recommended to avoid wearing tight clothing during the convalescence period and to avoid sun exposure.During the first month, the patient will have to wear her compression garment daily. In some cases, this period may be extended to avoid any risk of embolism or phlebitis.Sport and strong movements are strictly forbidden. However, walking during this period is strongly recommended despite the discomfort that the patient may feel as this activity avoids the risk of phlebitis (the manifestation of a blood pebble in a vein).
The Turkish plastic surgeon administers an anticoagulant treatment for ten days or more.The complications of a thigh lift in Turkey are very rare. But, the Turkish plastic surgeon informs his patient about all the details of the procedure including the possible risks such as hematoma, lymphatic discharge, infection and in some very rare cases the damage to the sensitivity of the thighs.As mentioned at the beginning of this article, thigh lift is a delicate procedure that requires the intervention of a very well experienced surgeon.We proudly assert that we have the best skills in the surgery of the silhouette. Our very reasonable rates include a whole package (airport reception, consultations, surgeon and anaesthesiologist fees, accommodation in a luxury hotel, hospitalization, postoperative care, acquired material, medical examinations, social assistance etc).Contact us, our team will facilitate all the procedures of a medical stay in Turkey.
The results of a thigh lift in Turkey are visible and excellent. The final aspect of the thighs will be observed after a period of 6 months. This is the period required for the healing process to be completed and for the thighs to be well shaped.