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Buttock augmentation

Buttock augmentation in turkey

The shape of the thighs of four-legged animals makes us believe that they have buttocks similar to those of humans. However, contrary to popular belief, having buttocks is a characteristic that only humans enjoy.

The buttocks are made up of muscles with a protruding or a rounded shape. In medical jargon, these muscles are called the gluteus minimus, the gluteus medius and the gluteus maximus. They each have a specific role. Thanks to the gluteus maximus which is located behind the pelvis, we are able to move our leg either backwards or outwards. The second muscle, the gluteus medius is shaped like a fan. Its role is to facilitate the rotational movements at the level of the hips. It traces the curve and the top of the buttocks. The gluteus medius is located in a deeper area compared to the other muscles. It forms the roundness of the hip and stabilizes the position of the buttocks.

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Buttock augmentation : history

In the 1960s, buttock augmentation was still a taboo subject. Only celebrities who are known for their audacity allowed themselves to undergo this kind of aesthetic intervention. To imitate them, their fans took the same risks as they did. So we can say that despite the efforts made at that time, the aesthetic works on the buttocks never managed to arouse people's interest. The lack of motivation was not only related to cultural or dogmatic beliefs but rather, to justified fears. Indeed, the buttock augmentation procedure was extremely complicated and was bound to fail in most of the cases. Nothing was worth risking one's health or life.
In early 1969, the practice of buttock augmentation surgery improved significantly and the insertion of buttock implants by skin surgery was given us a new lease of life. However, this work could not yet achieve the desired goal : to have a satisfactory result without complications.
Also in 1969, Dr. RJ Bertlet used a new method. To increase the volume of the buttocks, he used rounded breast implants. The result was not good enough because the treated buttocks looked artificial and very ridiculous.

During the following year, in 1970, Dr. Mario Gonzales thought that changing the shape of the prostheses would offer a better result. So, he designed larger volume implants in the shape of an almond. For another time, the result was inconclusive. The procedure did neither allow to keep the symmetry between the buttocks nor to avoid the risks of infection.
In 1984 José Roblès changed the type of the implant and decided to create an intermuscular space to place the prostheses. The chosen location was between the small and the medium buttocks. This technique was very successful because it allowed the patients to have beautiful buttocks appearance without complications such as the capsular contraction.
During the 1980s, buttock implants' placement met new challenges. However, this method needed to be more improved because the procedure which is used was both complicated and critical.
Several research projects focused on the development of this procedure such as the work carried out by Mexican and South American surgeons and the report published by Raphael Gonzales in 2004.
Over time, many surgical trials have therefore followed one another to simplify the buttock augmentation procedure and to improve the quality of the obtained results. Thanks to the work of José de la Péra, these objectives were finally achieved. His innovative method consisted of creating textured buttock implants and inserting them over the muscles. The procedure was simplified and it became possible to place very discreet buttock implants.

Buttock augmentation in Turkey


Some patients believe that butt augmentation in Turkey is performed only with butt implants. However, there is a completely different solution : buttock lipofilling. We provide you with an explanatory description of the techniques adapted by each of these aesthetic procedures.

The aesthetic procedure, the buttock augmentation with buttock implants is always performed under general anaesthesia. It can be summarized as follows : the Turkish plastic surgeon makes an inter-gluteal incision concealed inside the gluteal fold. The incision is used to create spaces between the gluteal muscles in order to insert the implants. The location of the implants is done according to precise measurements to ensure a very good result.

The result of butt augmentation Turkey is considered to be perfect when the buttocks increase in volume symmetrically and when they appear in perfect harmony with the patient's silhouette. The incision is closed meticulously to avoid the need for drainage.

The post-operative phases of buttock augmentation induce pain that will gradually disappear in the days following the procedure. The patient will not have to lean on the prostheses especially in a sitting position. This may cause a significant discomfort. But, the comfort will be regained from the third week.
Concerning the buttock lipofilling, it is very similar to breast lipomodelling. The surgeon removes a quantity of fat from several parts of the body through liposuction, for example from the hips and from the inner thighs. Then, he reinjects this quantity in the buttocks. Buttock lipofilling in Turkey arouse the interest of people who do not appreciate the use of buttock implants.
However, this technique cannot be applied if the patient's body does not have enough fat. Indeed, the quantity of fat removed must be important enough to be able to remarkably change the volume of the buttocks. This procedure is also performed under general anaesthesia.
Concerning the postoperative phases of the buttock lipofilling, bruises and edema will appear on the areas treated by liposuction. Swelling will also occur in the repaired area. All these symptoms are temporary and will disappear after a few days.

So ask for a free quote to obtain the price of buttock augmentation Turkey.

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