The things to know about abdominoplasty after pregnancy

Le 19 août 2021

Because it is ideal for eliminating the apron effect that can appear after one (or more) pregnancies, abdominoplasty which is also known as tummy tuck is a reconstructive surgery regularly considered by mothers. But what does it really involve?

Pregnancy leaves traces such as the sagging of the skin of the belly that falls on the pubis which makes young mothers feel uncomfortable.

Despite a real weight loss and a regular sport activity, this excess of skin (which also hides a muscular slackening) can remain. To remove and tighten it while reinforcing the abdominal belt, a plastic surgery operation can be considered.

Abdominoplasty: 3 objectives, 3 steps

When an abdominoplasty is performed after one (or more) pregnancies, it has several main goals: to tighten the skin and to make it smoother and more uniform.

Tummy tuck surgery is realized under general anaesthesia, it can be performed in 3 steps: it can be associated with liposuction (eliminating the excess fat), removal of the upper skin and fat tissues (which will be « pulled » at the end of the operation to obtain a firm result) and finally, removal of the excess tissue.

Tummy tuck after a pregnancy… and before the next one?

Are you considering abdominal surgery, but already planning another pregnancy in the coming months/years? It is preferable that you do it once your pregnancies are over. On the other hand, you must wait until you have regained your pre-baby weight (or almost) before having the operation which can take between 9 months and a year on average.

Abdominoplasty and its consequences

This intervention requires a hospitalization of two days. Count on a fortnight between the work stoppage that will be necessary and the recovery time. You will have to wear a specific support garment (girdle) day and night for about 1 or 2 months, it depends on your case. From then on, in addition to the tonicity of your abdomen and the disappearance of the apron, you should also notice the loss of at least one clothing size.