Is plastic surgery becoming more democratic ?

Le 10 mai 2023

For years, plastic surgery operations have been criticized. Those who opt for them were frowned upon and judged by society. However, the last decade has shown an evolution in this area, more and more people are undergoing aesthetic interventions.

This trend shows a new craze for cosmetic surgery. Individuals between 18 and 35 years old are the most concerned.

On the other hand, the democratization of plastic surgery has been favored by the stars. Many of them have recourse to it and do not have any complex about their choice. French reality TV stars are great lovers of surgery. The media coverage of the latter has changed the morals. It has become easier to talk about the subject especially with one’s family.

The role of Internet

Information on cosmetic surgery is now available on the web :

-it induces an increase in the level of patients’ knowledge.

-it brings an answer, but can also create a need.

-the idealized images conveyed by social networks must sometimes inspire people and make them conscious about this type of procedures.

Media coverage provides information

Discovering and understanding what cosmetic surgery can bring is a major advance for its democratization.

Today, everyone can freely obtain a high level of information on a given cosmetic surgery procedure.

A democratization that has its advantages

Today, patients are more conscious about the benefits of cosmetic surgery :

Plastic surgery can erase deep-rooted complexes and help patients improve their quality of lives.

The search for information contributes to reassure the patient and to make his reflection mature in a more objective way.

Today, cosmetic surgery procedures are more assertive and guided by a search for naturalness.

So, the democratization of cosmetic surgery comes down to these points :

Information on cosmetic surgery is now accessible to everyone via the media.

However, it is important to remain vigilant as to the quality of the information.

Patients are invited to ask their questions and obtain an informed opinion from their surgeon.