How to quickly return to a normal life after a breast augmentation ?

Le 8 avril 2022

Before undergoing a cosmetic or reconstructive surgery such as breast augmentation, it is necessary to understand the steps to follow in order to return to a normal life as soon as possible after the procedure.

The consultation with your surgeon

The anatomy of the body varies from one person to another. It is therefore imperative that you inform your surgeon during the first consultation about your general lifestyle, work and exercise routine as it will also help you make an optimal choice of breast implants especially for athletic women and avoid any apprehension after the operation.

Recovery time and postoperative precautions

Each person recovers differently. Normally, recovery after a breast augmentation is quite rapid, however, the recovery time varies depending on the type of implants and their position. On average, it takes about six weeks to fully recover.

During these 6 weeks, it is important not to make any physical efforts on the upper limbs. A resumption of physical activities can be possible from the end of the 6th week and with the consent of your surgeon.

A healthy diet helps healing

There is no miracle cure or product to speed up the process.

However, a balanced diet rich in proteins and vitamins, while staying hydrated helps the recovery process. Foods such as eggs, fish as well as fruits, vegetables and nuts are important before and after the operation.

Additional tips for those who have opted for a breast augmentation

-Follow your surgeon’s instructions and recommendations

-Wear comfortable clothing

-It is important to listen to your body and recognize indications of pain

-For a rapid healing, it is recommended to sleep on your back as advised by your surgeon

-Do not make any sudden or forceful movements

-Avoid activities that expose you to trauma to the chest.