How to get rid of flabby arms ?

Le 25 octobre 2021

Over the years, the skin loses collagen and it is this element that gives it elasticity, so, many people start having flabby arms, this can also be due to many factors such as weight variations and age.

So, what should we do to tone up flabby arms ?

The first step is to prepare yourself mentally. You will need to be consistent throughout the strategy you choose.

If you do exercises for a week and then give up, you will never see results. To have strong and firm arms, you will need to be disciplined.

In fact, the exercises must be done on a regular basis. But be careful, you should never ask too much of your body.

Also, remember that you should consult your doctor to find out if you can do certain types of exercises.

Work your biceps

This technique is effective to have toned arms, it requires the uses of dumbbels, but if you do not have them, there will be no problem. You can also do these exercises without using weights. In fact, the very weight of our arms will have beneficial effects.

Otherwise, there is also an economical and practical option : Fill a small water bottle (500 ml) and use it as a dumbbell.

Sit down to do squats with your arms. Press your elbow into your knee. Then bring your hand with the weight up to your shoulder. Do three sets of 15 repetitions.

Opt for a balanced diet

We all know the benefits of losing weight and following a balanced diet. A healthy diet goes much better with exercise.

When it comes to exercising, you’ll feel much less bloating or numbness. Try to eat lean meats (fish, chicken), fiber and healthy fats (olive, almond or avocado oil).


If all these techniques have not given results, it will be recommended to opt for plastic surgery by undergoing arm lift surgery which is an effective intervention that consists of firming up the arms by eliminating excess skin in order to obtain harmonious and toned arms.