How to have a beautiful smile ?

Le 12 juillet 2021

The smile is one of the first things you notice on a person’s face and there’s nothing like a beautiful smile to present yourself in the best light.

So, what are the different solutions that allow you to have a radiant and luminous smile ?


Avoid overconsumption of foods that are harmful to your teeth. Sugar, in addition to causing cavities, can dissolve enamel over time. The same goes for acidic fruits such as grapefruit and other citrus fruits.

Tea, coffee…taste good, but can stain your teeth.

Cigarettes should also be avoided if you want to keep your smile white.


The most important thing is to have a good oral hygiene.

You can opt for whitening toothpaste to enhance the brightness of your smile. These toothpastes help remove the particles and bacteria that cause tartar build-up and teeth discoloration. There are also many other techniques such as teeth whitening that can be realized in your dental surgeon’s office.


Opt for a lipstick that matches your skin tone, but also the color of your teeth. If your teeth are impeccably white, you can use any color. However, if your teeth are a little yellow, even just a little, a lipstick with purple or blue shades will only accentuate the effect.

Be real

If your smile is sophisticated, it will never make you look as good as it feels. Be real and natural, even if your teeth are crooked, a little yellow or if you wear braces. Far from stopping at your teeth, your smile is reflected in your face, your eyes and will definitely make you feel good, even if you smile at yourself in the mirror.