What foods can you eat after a dental surgery ?

Le 1 février 2022

From a simple wisdom teeth extraction to more complex oral surgeries, many people have undergone maxillofacial surgery.

Oral surgery requires precise post-operative care and one must adjust his diet so as not to interfere with the healing process.

Liquid, pureed or soft foods after oral surgery

It is not uncommon for you to experience pain in your jaw after oral surgery. This post-operative pain is normal, but it is uncomfortable when eating.

Foods with a liquid texture (soup, milk, drink), pureed (vegetable purée, fruit compote) or soft (omelette, fish, minced meat) are to be preferred as they do not require a significant chewing effort from the chewing muscle. Moreover, these textures are not aggressive for your teeth, so your braces or wounds will not be affected. We also recommend that you opt for a moderate diet, neither too hot nor too spicy, on the day of your procedure : gum surgery, dental implants’ placement… to reduce the risk of bleeding or wound irritation.

A balanced diet

For a good recovery, your diet must be healthy and rich in vitamins.

Your dental surgeon will give you all the instructions and you must follow them for optimal results.

What should you know about postoperative oral surgery nutrition ?

Proper nutrition is one of the important postoperative instructions to ensure complete healing and recovery of your wound. The risk of infection will also be greatly reduced. To do this, give your body calcium, protein and vitamins in the form of liquids, purees or soft foods. This will help you recover in the best conditions.