The body and the diktat of society

Le 19 octobre 2021

Although more and more brands are making naturalness the new diktat, beauty and the search for the perfect body remain an obsession for many people who generally identify themselves with the zero-defect plastics of magazines.

Is the beauty diktat a reality ?

Media and articles that denounce this diktat of appearance are multiplying. However, the « beautiful » continues to attract. It is particularly noticeable in advertisements, in magazines and of course on the catwalks. To sell, the marketing strategy remains the same : associate products with women or men who appear at their best.

Today’s women don’t hesitate to identify themselves with these muses who become a reference. Even TV presenters admit that image is important which pushes them to get rid of a few wrinkles by opting for cosmetic medicine.

These confessions and facts show the importance of physical appearance in society. For others, looking beautiful is simply a sign of self-respect, a way to feel good.

A perfect nose, a sculpted body : Plastic surgery as a solution

A small bump on the nose, too flat breasts, saddlebags that resist the daily fitness sessions, arms that start to hang down forcing you to keep your beautiful sleeveless blouses in the closet during the nice days, there are small imperfections that some women want to get rid of.

Some opt for plastic surgery such as liposuction to improve the appearance of their bodies, others include sports and physical exercises in their daily program. Still others rely on a particular diet. Some people combine all these techniques. In any case, for one reason or another, these people say they like to take care of their appearance. Others say they want to look like « magazine girls ».

The tyranny of appearance will always be present

Like fashion, the stereotype of beauty will always be imposed by society. Sometimes, the fashion is for a slim figure and streamlined legs. Sometimes, the trend is towards the natural.

Whatever we look like, we assume ourselves as we are. In either case, the appearance will always be dictated to us, especially in large consumer societies. Each era has its beauty reference.

To be concerned about one’s appearance or on the contrary to be disinterested in it remains a diktat imposed by the society. We are not talking here about isolated cases, about each person’s personality, but about these ideas and fashions conveyed in the media that create a mass culture.