Plastic surgery and psychology

Le 2 mars 2023

If plastic surgery acts on the physical appearance by improving its aesthetic aspect, it also implies consequences on the mental aspect of the patients. This is why it is necessary to anticipate the expected result and to take time to think about it.

Plastic surgery : definition

Plastic surgery includes operations that aim at modifying the physical appearance of a person for purely aesthetic purposes and in the absence of malformation or disease. It is based on individual feelings and on the appreciation of the « beauty » or the ideal character of certain areas of the human body.

What is the relationship between cosmetic surgery and psychology ?

A cosmetic surgery procedure is mainly based in perfecting the aesthetic aspect of one or more parts of a person’s figure, face or breasts. It allows for the correction of physical imperfections that can be the source of a complex for the person.

The objective of plastic surgery is to regain a good self-image. For many people, the appearance of their body is closely linked to their self-confidence. For this reason, the quality of one’s appearance has a direct influence on one’s judgment of oneself. An unattractive appearance of certain parts of the body can, under these conditions generate uneasiness and great psychological suffering.

Many people have opted for cosmetic surgery when they are dissatisfied with their physical appearance in order to correct what they consider to be aesthetic defects. In the vast majority of cases, cosmetic surgery allows them to regain a good self-image and thus, to regain a better quality of life.

The importance of the first consultation

In order to avoid any psychological repercussions, the plastic surgeon places great importance on the first consultation. Before agreeing to the procedure, the practitioner must take the time to understand the patient’s reasons and desires for requesting surgery.

He must also make sure that he provides the patient with all the necessary information. He takes the necessary time to explain the expected results. He or she will detail every step of the operation and hospitalization, the possible complications…

When can the surgeon refuse an operation on a patient ?

A plastic surgeon can refuse to operate on a patient for several reasons. The most common is when the intervention will not give satisfaction to the patient (dissonance as for the result to be obtained). He can refuse to operate if he believes that the patient will not be able to assume the physical and psychological consequences of such an operation. This is particularly the case when the person is too young, when there is a fragile psychological terrain, or when there are related health concerns and the surgical intervention constitutes a vital risk.