Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine, their popularity among young people

Le 17 juin 2022

Young people are very interested by plastic surgery. According to figures from 2019, worldwide, young people aged from 18 to 34 now have more recourse to this type of procedure than the 50-60 year old age group.

Many young people choose their surgeons on Instagram who legally post some photos of their work.

More and more young people are having cosmetic procedures and know exactly what they want, often even before they have a consultation with the plastic surgeon. Indeed, influenced by social networks such as Instagram… 18-34 year olds are more demanding and better informed than their elders to forge a body corresponding to their ideals.

Young people and aesthetic medicine : no limits

Generation Y is fond of ephemeral experiences. All young people dream of a perfect face, free of imperfections « freshness and well-being ».

Moreover, many people modify their photos before publishing them on social networks.

If all aesthetic doctors agree on the fact that the younger we start, the more we act preventively and slow down aging, they do not forget to inform us about the reality of things as the role of doctors is to educate positively the young generation.

Looking like a star : we’ve all thought about it!

With all the excitement around social networks and selfies, Millennials have easy access to pictures of public figures, especially their favorite stars. More and more Millennials identify with their favorite celebrities and want to look like them : to get fuller lips, higher cheekbones, reduce wrinkles, get rid of acne, get a glowing complexion, more rounded buttocks, a well-shaped waist…

Moreover, influencers do not hide anymore when they opt for medicine and/or plastic surgery. Some of them even film the procedures on social networks and recommend doctors or clinics which tends to reassure generation Y, to show them the reality live, and indirectly to encourage young people to do the same by decomplexing the approach.

Today, the techniques have changed, we are moving towards natural results. Sometimes, it is even difficult to realize that some people have benefited from medical aesthetic treatments or surgery.

Surgery and aesthetic medicine : yes, but with caution

Plastic surgery and aesthetic medicine require, in all cases, a consultation with a doctor, a surgeon or a dermatologist in order to be able to talk freely about your complexes and your wishes. Only these health professionals are able to offer you the best solutions according to your facial features and your morphology. They are also able to rule out potential contraindications in order to guarantee your safety.